On Thursday, the California Medical Association (CMA) hosted a brief discussion with other interested parties – including CSAP – regarding the upcoming California Medical Board hearing on the Licensing Application Questionnaire. CSAP has been closely monitoring this issue in anticipation of the July 30th hearing. CMA staff suggested that the Medical Board reached out to a broader array of practitioners than usual, so it’s possible that there will be input to the Board coming from additional sources than usual. With that said, there seems to be a consistent approach among those on the call. We will continue to update you with more information. You can view CMA’s letter here.

Letters are pouring in from interested parties. There may be a coalition letter sent to the MBC in response to its request for information on the application questions related to impairment and requesting the Board revise its questions to avoid discouraging physicians from seeking mental and behavioral health treatment. CSAP’s letter is almost finalized and we will provide the final final to you in next week’s Newsletter. The coalition is recommending the Board adopt amendments to its language to narrow the section of the application to one question that focuses solely on conditions impairing an applicant’s ability to practice medicine safely, eliminating two unnecessary questions, and reducing stigmatizing language inappropriately comparing various conditions. Further, adding a clarifying sentence that aligns with language found in AB 2164 (Berman), which the Board supported and is currently passing through the legislature unopposed, would encourage physicians who may benefit from treatment to seek it and, as a result, provide safer care.

You may also view a letter from the Northern California Psychiatric Society here.

The MBC will be holding its meeting via WebEx on Tuesday, July 30, 2024, between 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m., to hear from speakers and receive feedback on whether the Board should change its introductory statement and/or questions relating to mental and physical health on its licensing applications. An agenda that includes instructions regarding how to participate in the meeting will be published on the Board’s website and distributed no later than 10 days prior to the meeting. To receive the agenda, please subscribe to the “Board and Committee Meetings” email alert. Comments may be submitted in writing to impairment-questions@mbc.ca.gov no later than Friday, July 19, 2024.