Committee Overview:

Welcome to the SCPS Government Affairs Committee (GAC) webpage. The GAC is tasked with developing policy and advocacy recommendations for the SCPS Council to consider and potentially adopt. These relate to positions on government initiatives, legislative bills, and regulations. To forward this activity, the committee tracks and monitors government actions, helps manage our Society’s partnerships with key stakeholders and ensure that we are engaged in critical forums for public policy discussions. The GAC also provide ongoing information and education about government policies and their effects to our membership and the public. To review current SCPS policies and advocacy activity, please go to the Advocacy section of the SCPS Website. (link)

Committee Purposes:

  1. Identify legislative and policy issues of relevance and concern to SCPS membership
  2. Provide information to SCPS Council and general membership regarding local, state, and national legislative and policy issues
  3. Develop policy and advocacy positions for review and approval by SCPS Council
  4. Help coordinate SCPS policy and advocacy activities and partnerships with other Area 6 DBs, APA, PPAC, and other organizations as directed by Council.
  5. Manage coalitions with other groups to forward specific advocacy objectives
  6. Perform other government affairs tasks as assigned by Council

Committee Activities:

  1. Maintain ongoing committee discussions and related workgroups and meet monthly.
  2. Review current legislation and policy issues impact on SCPS membership as requested by Council or GA committee membership.
  3. Seek review of specific legislation and polices by selected SCPS committees to obtain input for suggested SCPS advocacy positions.
  4. Deliver regular report to Council regarding government affairs and impact on SCPS membership, identifying key issues, potential priorities, and associated advocacy actions.
  5. Implement suggested advocacy activities as requested by Council.
  6. Maintain liaisons with other Area 6 DBs APA, PPAC, and other organizations as directed by Council.
  7. Undertake other activities as assigned by Council.

Committee Membership:

Ex Officio Members:

  1. Gillian Friedman, M.D. – Access to Care Committee Co-Chair (2022-2025)
  2. Matthew Goldenberg, D.O. – Private Practice Committee Chair (2022-2025)
  3. Lawrence Gross, M.D. – Academic Liaison (2022-2025)
  4. Laura Halpin, M.D. – Treasurer-elect / SCPS CSAP GAC Member (2022-2025)
  5. Patrick Kelly, M.D. – President-elect / Child & Adolescent Psychiatry Committee chair (2022-2025)
  6. So Min Lim, D.O. – Residents Committee Chair (2024-2025)
  7. Michael MacIntyre, M.D. – Public Affairs Committee Chair (2022-2025)
  8. Ruqayyah Malik, M.D. – Diversity and Culture Committee/MURR Rep (2023-2025)
  9. Justin Nguyen, D.O. – Residents Committee Chair (2024-2025)
  10. Galya Rees, M.D. – President / SCPS CSAP GAC Member (2023-2025)
  11. Roderick Shaner, M.D. – State Legislative Rep (2022-2025)
  12. Emily Wood, M.D. – Federal Legislative Rep (2022-2025)

At large members:  Up to 6 members, for both policy expertise and to further development of early career interest, diversity, and expertise in policy and advocacy. (2023-2024: Drs. Curley Bonds (consultant), Robert Burchuk, Steve Soldinger, Ronald Thurston and Joseph Vlaskovits)

Committee Meeting Schedule:

The committee is normally scheduled to meet monthly from 7-9pm on the Tuesday of the week that the regular Thursday SCPS Council meeting is scheduled – usually the second week of the month. During months when Council is dark (usually July and August), the GAC meetings are scheduled on the second Tuesday of the month. Upcoming meetings are listed below.

July 9, 2024 – 7:00 P.M.
September 10, 2024 – 7:00 P.M.
October 8, 2024 – 7:00 P.M.
November 12, 2024 – 7:00 P.M.
December 10, 2024 – 7:00 P.M.