Mandatory Reporting Information for Psychiatrists
Child Abuse
from the January Medical Board Newsletter, page 16:
Physicians are required per California Business and Professions Code section 802.1 to report to the Board if they have been charged or convicted of a felony. Legislation was passed in 2005 to amend this statute to include the requirement that physicians also must report any misdemeanor conviction.
As is required for reporting felony convictions, the law specifies that the report be made to the Board in writing within 30 days. Failure to file a report may result in a fine not to exceed $5,000. Since July 1, 2008, the Board has issued 52 citations and fines to physicians for not reporting misdemeanor convictions. The inclusion of this article, for a second time, is to alert and remind physicians of this mandate, and the importance of reporting to the Board in a timely manner. A form has been created to facilitate reporting convictions to the Medical Board. The form is on the Board’s Web site at, under Forms, Mandatory Reporting Forms, and is entitled, “Physician Reporting-Criminal Actions.”
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Please note: Those publications with an asterisk (*) are required to be provided by physicians to patients under certain conditions.