This page contains links to selected SCPS Council resolutions and actions since the beginning of 2021 that are relevant to government policy and associated SCPS advocacy. It provides a high level overview of key policy and advocacy activities by SCPS.
- CSAP Dues Waiver support motion (link)
- Motion concerning AB 35 (link)
- Motion concerning SB 1338 (link)
- Motion on GAC structure and function (link)
- Motion to approve CSAP consent (link)
- Motion to join California State Association of Psychiatrists (link)
- Resolution opposing termination of state/LPS contracts (link)
- Resolution to take support if amended position on AB (Weiner) 988 Mental health: 988 crisis hotline (link)
- Resolution to oppose any attempts to change name of California Physician Assistant License (link)
- Action to support California DPH Covid Vaccine and other scare resource priority for patients with schizophrenia using same criteria as other medical disorders (link)
- Resolution to take Watch position on SB-221 (Weiner) Health care coverage: timely access to care (link)
- Action to require social justice analysis of potential SCPS advocacy positions (link)
- Establishment of SCPS George L. Mallory Diversity, Culture and Racial Justice Award (link)